thehinterlandonline:translations:o n e

"Peace . . . It's not war."

"Only in such a place [Canada] can man and beast live together in such peace."

--from a Kazakstanian lady of about 40 years who slept with war,
waking only to the rage of bombs, and lived with death most of her life.

"On cockroaches: If you rip two legs off and yell 'Run!' it will run.
If you rip four legs off and yell 'Run!' it will run. If you rip all of
the legs off and yell 'Run!' it will not run . . . not because the
beast is now legless, but only because it now has no ears.
Cockroaches, you see, hear with their legs."

--an endlessly inquisitive Russian man of about 45 years who seems
to live for argument.

"On nude beaches: We have those old, grey and stark white women who come
to our beaches. Sickening really. They look like wrinkled, dirty sheets
fumbled up and left to do nothing more than clutter and remind you about your own laziness.
And their bodies. God! What a horrific sight. They look likethey've draped old work socks
from their shoulders, fastened them with clothes pegs and put a golf ball in the toe of each.
Their tits--that's what they look like."

--a jovial woman of 35 years from Cancun. A woman who ushers
everyone with her penetratingly deep, low laughter.

"It was the unhappiness that changed him."

--a beautiful Japanese woman who, at 21, has estranged herself
from the "land of the rising sun," choosing instead exile and hopeful happiness.

"History has confused us."

--a quick-witted Japanese woman of almost 30 who greets people
with friendly sarcasm rather than empty warmth.